Regular City Council meetings are held on the first Tuesday and third Tuesday of each month at the San Jacinto Community Center, 625 S. Pico Avenue, San Jacinto, CA 92583, and at other such times, regular or

special meetings may be called at this location or another specified location. Meetings typically begin with a Closed Session at 5:30 p.m. and an Open Session starting at 6:30 p.m. unless the schedule is changed by City Council consensus based on the meeting agenda.
Should a Regular City Council meeting fall on a holiday, City Council will reschedule the meeting. Council agendas are posted on the San Jacinto Public Records Page, where access is provided to all agendas, minutes, staff reports, and supporting documentation.
The City has formed several boards, commissions, and committees to assist the City in information gathering, deliberative process, and ensuring public involvement in the governmental process. Board, commission, and committee members are appointed by the City Council.
The Planning Commission is a five-member body that provides recommendations related to land use and development issues facing the City Council. Regular Planning Commission meetings are held every fourth Tuesday of the month at 6 p.m. in the San Jacinto Community Center, 625 S. Pico Avenue, San Jacinto, CA. Planning Commission agendas are provided on the agenda page.
Planning Commissioners:
Taurus Jones, Chair
Michelle Peterson, Vice-Chair
Patricia Scott, Second Vice-Chair
John Gagnepain, Commissioner
Corrine Awad, Commissioner
What City Councilmember represents my area?
The members of the San Jacinto City Council are elected "at large" and not by districts or wards. What this means is that each Council member represents the entire City and not just one area or neighborhood.
How do I run for City Council?
City Council elections are held in November of even-numbered years and are consolidated with the Statewide General Election. The nomination period for candidates running for a City Council seat begins in mid-July and concludes in mid-August. Please contact the City Clerk at (951) 487-7339 or the Riverside County Registrar of Voters Office at 951-486-7200 for additional details and requirements for running for office.
When are City Council Meetings?
Regular City Council meetings are held on the first and third Tuesdays of each month, with Closed Session at 5:30 p.m., and Open Session beginning at 6:30 p.m., at the San Jacinto Community Center, 625 S. Pico Avenue, San Jacinto, and at such other times as special meetings may be called. Should a regularly scheduled Council meeting fall on a holiday, the meeting will be rescheduled by City Council. Council Agendas are posted on the San Jacinto Public Records page, where you have access to Agendas, Minutes, and Staff Reports.
How do I get an item placed on the City Council Agenda?
Only the City Councilmembers, City Manager, and Department Heads have the authority to place items on the City Council agenda.
How do I receive copies of the Council agendas?
There are three ways to receive copies of City Council agendas:
1. Go to the
San Jacinto Public Records page to download the agenda;
2. If you wish to receive the agenda via email, go to the San Jacinto Public Records page and register;
3. If you wish to get a hard copy of the agenda, please call or email the City Clerk, and per your preference, we will mail or email a copy of the agenda. You may also pick up a hard copy at the front desk of City Hall.
How do I address the Council about an item on the agenda?
Before the Council meeting, complete a speaker card indicating which item on the agenda you wish to address and return it to the City Clerk before the meeting. The speaker cards are kept with the official record of the City Council meeting and are used if the City Council or staff needs to contact you at a later date.
How do I address the Council about a concern that is not an item on the agenda?
Every City Council agenda provides time for a Public Comment period. This is your opportunity to address the Council on any subject matter that is within the jurisdiction of the City Council and that does not appear as a regular agenda item. Before the Council meeting, complete a speaker card before the meeting and return it to the City Clerk. The speaker cards are kept with the official record of the City Council meeting and are used if the City Council or staff needs to contact you at a later date. The City Council is not permitted (by law) to take any action on issues raised during the Public Comment period, but they may refer matters to the staff for response or official action at a future date.
How can I obtain a copy of a City Ordinance?
All city ordinances are contained in the Municipal Code. The San Jacinto Municipal Code is available online at:
Municipal Code
The online document is fully indexed and searchable.
Where do I register to vote?
Voter registration forms are available in the City Clerk's office. The forms are postage-paid and can be mailed or delivered in person to the
Registrar of Voters office in Riverside.