Storm Drain Department
The Storm Drain Department is responsible for the repair and maintenance of drainage facilities in the right-of-way and in the improved channels dedicated to the City. Our crew performs cleaning and maintenance activities on the city's storm water conveyance systems to avoid pollution and flooding. During the dry summer months, storm drain catch basins and pipes accumulate trash, debris, and other unwanted waste.
Report an issue:
- Debris and weed abatement of a storm drainage system
- Oil spills cleanup
- Stagnant water issues
Main line: 951-487-7330, Option 5
Email address: [email protected]
Web-portal: Citizen Request - City of San Jacinto, CA (sanjacintoca.gov)
The Riverside County Flood Control maintains the riverbeds and trails. For issues concerning these areas, please call the County at 951-955-3313 or visit their website https://rivcoed.org/.